Dear Friends, Family & Associates,
Last nite @ 6:15pm, Super Susie/Mom/Grandy's indomitable Spirit left her body.
As you know, in July... Mom fondly nicknamed "Super Susie" was diagnosed w/ cancer & given 6-9 months to live. Feeling her own progressive weakening & fighting harder than ever to breathe; at the exact halfway point of 6-9months (7.5months); Mom requested inpatient admission to Stella Maris Hospice of Baltimore. Her stay was short (4 days praise God!)
I arrived on Sunday morning (Valentines Day & her Grandson Paul's birthday)... She was surrounded by a continual stream of family & friends visiting. She was tired. Being an awesome athlete herself, we sat back enjoyed the Olympics & chatted the day away. She dozed in/out... When she'd wake & see us, she'd beem & say "O! Look who's here!" Then she looked deep into the new visitors eyes w/ a look that pierced your soul & say... "I'm going to miss you so much!" "I had a dream about you... I'm going to miss you so! Thank you for being so SPECIAL for me!"
At about 4p, she said "GoodBye" to her son Mike & myself. She closed her eyes & became very silent. Believing this was "it"... We held her hand & waited for her passing. The abyss of time was unending... We waited n waited (it seemed like an eternity)... 30 minutes later Mom opens her eyes, & chides us, "you aren't gone yet?? I thought I told you guys Good Bye"! We responded, "US!?!? We thought YOU were the one leaving!!" We all laughed as Mike & I walked out her door... Knowing she was just where she wanted to be, doing what she needed to do.
The next day/yesterday was different... Mom was restless, she told her first visitor, youngest son, Tom, "I'm sooooo tired!". God sent messages to friends, family, & her fans who met her thru CBS' Early show, National Inquirer, Local TV & Journals... Emails, phone calls, drop in visitors coming in from all around... All were received & appreciated as the continual influx of affirmation, adoration & prayer filled Mom's Room. There was nothing but love in the air!
The message was clear, "Susie, you have played a great game & have taught us well... You can't get any better in this game of Life... it is time to "move to the next level". But how could she?? there was so much love in the room & everyone was saying such nice things about her... She didn't want to leave!! Who would???
At about 5:30p; there were only Weadocks in the room. 3 of Mom's children & 2 of her grandchildren. Tom had just returned from his visit to Sacred Heart Church & meeting w/ the parish priest & the officiating priest. He came back w/ the Plan. "O! Good! everybody's here!" Tom said. "We can review Mom's Funeral Service!"
I then turned to Mom & said, "Mom, we are planning your Last Bucket! Unfortunately this the one you are not here for. So, you have to Move On! We can't do this Bucket if you're around!" Everyone agreed & encouraged her to 'Get UP THERE' where she'd have the best view!!
As we went about the business of discussing the funeral arrangement, it got somewhat contentious. The focus was not on Mom anymore, the tone/mood in the room had changed... no soothing words of Love about Susie... Nothing bad; just Family dynamics...
This Bucket was for US! Not even the service was what Mom had visualized for herself... As we debated music & timing; her grand-daughter Deirdre reached over, took Mom's pulse... We stopped & stared... Mom "had Passed"...
We all looked at each other... I just laughed! Mom had realized that she really DIDN'T need to be around for this family discussion... She just wanted her friends & family to love her & love each other! She could care less about music or venue... Those battles could be officiated by someone else!
So at 6:15pm 2/15/10; without fanfare and with so much Grace... Sewall Boardman Weeks Weadock Mann set out on a new adventure taking her Last Leap w/out a Kite or a Parachute...
Through the Buckets and YOU, Mom learned that she could finally close her eyes, hold her breath.... And TRUST.
Through the Buckets and YOU, Mom learned HOW to Let Go & Let God...
The constant "Giver" to the end... Mom donated her physical body to science. So there will be no Wake & we are giving time for the service Mass so everyone who wants to attend can make arrangements.
The Catholic Memorial Mass will be held on Wednesday February 24, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at The Shrine of the Sacred Heart in Mount Washington, Maryland.
There will be a reception at L'Hirondelle Club 7611 Club Rd, Ruxton Md 21204 immediately following the service.
Please don't send flowers... Instead donate to the Christopher Reeves Foundation for Spinal Chord Injury or to Wheelchairs for the World (sponsored by Joni Ericcson Tata).
Below is a clip that CBS Early Show aired this morning:
Carpe Diem Everyone!
Thank you for being you for all of US!