#1 ... We WISH that You & yours have all the health, happiness & togetherness that you will allow yourselves to enjoy in this Holiday Season!!
#2 ... We hope you watch CBS' Early Show tomorrow/X-mas morning @ 7:30-9am & Share her Response Story to terminal cancer
#3 ... We want You to "Drop In" & join our family on Saturday from 5-9p 12/26 for a Bowling Open House Party @ L'Hirondelle Club (7611 Club Rd, Ruxton, Md).
Tho' Mom feels no pain; she continues to struggle w/ her breathing... "I'm breathless""! A veteran tennis player/strategist; Mom describes her selection of activities to participate in as "choosing the balls/shots I want to play. I'm saving my energy so I can play the entire Match doing the things I want to do on my Bucket List!!"
So far, remaining on her List is this Saturdays' Holiday Open House w/ all her friends/family, snorkeling/scuba-diving & White Water Rafting the 4's/5's... Location, location, Location!
Again, tune into CBS' Early Show @ 7:30-9a on Christmas Morning to recap Susie's Bucket List. If you are around this Saturday & want to laugh, cheer & Jeer... Please come n "Toss 'em Down" @ our Open House. 5-9p L'Hirondelle Club.
Thank You Again all for your prayers & support in this past year... They have meant a lot to ALL of us!
Happy Holidays to everyone!
December 24, 2009
December 11, 2009
CBS Early Show Interview Part 2 - Super Susie Swims With Dolphins
CBS Early Show Interview Part 1 - Super Susie Swims With Dolphins
December 9, 2009
Susie's Catching a Ride
As the National Inquirer quotes, "Susie's catching a ride" w/ FDNY fire fighter Scott Farrington... as Scott says' Girls just wanna Ride! no matter what age! Thanks Scott for everything!!
Click the title to view the videos, or go to the link below...
Click the title to view the videos, or go to the link below...
December 1, 2009
Peaks & Valleys of Bucket #4: Sedona/Grand Canyon
This Bucket was physically & emotionally "Rugged" from start to finish. Mom chose the Grand Canyon b/c tho' she had traveled the world; she had not experienced her own BIG country!
"Experience" she did! In 5-days over Thanksgiving; we JEEPed the cliff areas of the Sedona's sacred Red Rocks & HIKEd the vortex's of Cathedral/Bell Peaks & the Grand Canyon... Thanksgiving Day we gave gratitude for our co-existence in HOT AIR BALLOONs over Arizona's mountains & valleys. We traded in Mules for HELICOPTERs to explore the Canyon & 4-legs for 4-wheeled ATVs to taste & feel the desert!
In short, "Super Susie" led her tribe of family & friends to the limit in Arizona! We weren't kidding when we said, "Mom's Bucket List is going to kill us!" By the end, we were exhausted & grateful that the weather wasn't warmer! If it were, we'd have White Water Rafted the #4's/5's down the Colorado River! There's no stopping her!!
But alas, this Bucket was not all about accomplishing the geography of aeons of sacred history of evolved Humanity... It was about coming to terms w/ the Humanity w/in ourselves & our family. Sedona is one of the World's most sacred places - a place where God & Demons battle. From the start, our family was presented w/ emotional swirling roller-coaster upheavals that challenged the "Spirit of the Buckets"... (Inspired surprise attendance by John Weadock, daily prayers by Christian artisan/owners of the B&B that accommodated us, blocked Shaman gatherings, family mis-understandings) created fertile ground for painful circumstances pitting mother vs daughter, son vs situations, sibling vs sibling, business vs money... All w/ the venom & power to undo the love & good fortune that prior Buckets had created.
As this Bucket began to splinter us as "Family", we became more aware that we had a choice... 1) continue our behavior as individual Survivors enduring curses of generational family angst or 2) ask God to break the hex & bring us back to the love we found in The Buckets... put our will in His Hands & know He has a better Place for us... Hard to do...
As we looked at each other, we saw ourselves... the bully, the protector, the follower, the comedian, the baby, the athlete, the student, the owner, the borrower, the parent, the victim, the warrior, the caretaker, the Leader... The power of One; able to change a family.
We are all of the above. We realized we had a choice as to who we were going to be each day in this Bucket... & each of us chose to be one of Super Susie's Family, give it up, get over it & let LOVE take all.
This Bucket Process "Takes a Village". The Sedona Grand Canyon Bucket would not have been had it not been for
* John/Chris - who broke their oath to never travel by air to teach us how to over-come adversity w/attitude & ingenuity
* Tom - for shepherding all 15 of us thru the daily logistics of Bucket activities! Not easy meeting needs & timeframes! Where's that whistle?
* Mike - for "being there" the Unsung Hero, helping when/where ever possible. Our Rock.
* Kyle - for sacrificing salary to be on our Bucket March. We are so glad u "got well quickly" & missed u rooting in the Raven's win last nite
* Deirdre - our "Girls Flight Out" would not have been the same w/o you! Grandy so adores her moments w/you!
* Paul - for driving Miss Susie on the ATV! She said the best part of that adventure was "hugging my Paul for 3 hours"!
* Shannon - for watching after Grandy on Grand Canyon day
* Lissette - who had no idea what she was getting into when she joined John's care-taking team for this Bucket.
* the Dempsy's - what a treasure your family is! Thank u for leaving Tucson to join our 2 families! We witnessed John's joyful anticipation of your visit but we didn't expect OUR delight in time spent w/you! You are so in our prayers!
* Eric - you added humor, validation, care-taking & camaraderie to our family mix. Mom's parting words to me were, "tell Eric, I'd love to see him again, before I "Kick the Bucket'!
* Howard - thank u for spending your holiday w/ so much 'family'! Your ideas inspired most of the activities in this Sedona Bucket! Without you, we'd be on a Mule following some ass down a trail in the Canyon! & that's not sexual!
* Lisa - Thank you so much for your sensitivity of us in the highlands & your support to get everyone down to the Phoenix Valley? &
* Mom/Grandy/Super Susie - without whom we wouldn't exist & whose Love of Life has impassioned us all!!
In this #4 Bucket; Susie came, We saw... God Conquered!
Carpe Diem everyone!
Louise (Ouisie)
PS: Dec 1st is 5 months since Mom's diagnosis of inoperable stomach cancer. Tho' Mom believes she will be w/ us for our Baltimore X-mas Bucket... She's not sure if she'll make any others :(
"Experience" she did! In 5-days over Thanksgiving; we JEEPed the cliff areas of the Sedona's sacred Red Rocks & HIKEd the vortex's of Cathedral/Bell Peaks & the Grand Canyon... Thanksgiving Day we gave gratitude for our co-existence in HOT AIR BALLOONs over Arizona's mountains & valleys. We traded in Mules for HELICOPTERs to explore the Canyon & 4-legs for 4-wheeled ATVs to taste & feel the desert!
In short, "Super Susie" led her tribe of family & friends to the limit in Arizona! We weren't kidding when we said, "Mom's Bucket List is going to kill us!" By the end, we were exhausted & grateful that the weather wasn't warmer! If it were, we'd have White Water Rafted the #4's/5's down the Colorado River! There's no stopping her!!
But alas, this Bucket was not all about accomplishing the geography of aeons of sacred history of evolved Humanity... It was about coming to terms w/ the Humanity w/in ourselves & our family. Sedona is one of the World's most sacred places - a place where God & Demons battle. From the start, our family was presented w/ emotional swirling roller-coaster upheavals that challenged the "Spirit of the Buckets"... (Inspired surprise attendance by John Weadock, daily prayers by Christian artisan/owners of the B&B that accommodated us, blocked Shaman gatherings, family mis-understandings) created fertile ground for painful circumstances pitting mother vs daughter, son vs situations, sibling vs sibling, business vs money... All w/ the venom & power to undo the love & good fortune that prior Buckets had created.
As this Bucket began to splinter us as "Family", we became more aware that we had a choice... 1) continue our behavior as individual Survivors enduring curses of generational family angst or 2) ask God to break the hex & bring us back to the love we found in The Buckets... put our will in His Hands & know He has a better Place for us... Hard to do...
As we looked at each other, we saw ourselves... the bully, the protector, the follower, the comedian, the baby, the athlete, the student, the owner, the borrower, the parent, the victim, the warrior, the caretaker, the Leader... The power of One; able to change a family.
We are all of the above. We realized we had a choice as to who we were going to be each day in this Bucket... & each of us chose to be one of Super Susie's Family, give it up, get over it & let LOVE take all.
This Bucket Process "Takes a Village". The Sedona Grand Canyon Bucket would not have been had it not been for
* John/Chris - who broke their oath to never travel by air to teach us how to over-come adversity w/attitude & ingenuity
* Tom - for shepherding all 15 of us thru the daily logistics of Bucket activities! Not easy meeting needs & timeframes! Where's that whistle?
* Mike - for "being there" the Unsung Hero, helping when/where ever possible. Our Rock.
* Kyle - for sacrificing salary to be on our Bucket March. We are so glad u "got well quickly" & missed u rooting in the Raven's win last nite
* Deirdre - our "Girls Flight Out" would not have been the same w/o you! Grandy so adores her moments w/you!
* Paul - for driving Miss Susie on the ATV! She said the best part of that adventure was "hugging my Paul for 3 hours"!
* Shannon - for watching after Grandy on Grand Canyon day
* Lissette - who had no idea what she was getting into when she joined John's care-taking team for this Bucket.
* the Dempsy's - what a treasure your family is! Thank u for leaving Tucson to join our 2 families! We witnessed John's joyful anticipation of your visit but we didn't expect OUR delight in time spent w/you! You are so in our prayers!
* Eric - you added humor, validation, care-taking & camaraderie to our family mix. Mom's parting words to me were, "tell Eric, I'd love to see him again, before I "Kick the Bucket'!
* Howard - thank u for spending your holiday w/ so much 'family'! Your ideas inspired most of the activities in this Sedona Bucket! Without you, we'd be on a Mule following some ass down a trail in the Canyon! & that's not sexual!
* Lisa - Thank you so much for your sensitivity of us in the highlands & your support to get everyone down to the Phoenix Valley? &
* Mom/Grandy/Super Susie - without whom we wouldn't exist & whose Love of Life has impassioned us all!!
In this #4 Bucket; Susie came, We saw... God Conquered!
Carpe Diem everyone!
Louise (Ouisie)
PS: Dec 1st is 5 months since Mom's diagnosis of inoperable stomach cancer. Tho' Mom believes she will be w/ us for our Baltimore X-mas Bucket... She's not sure if she'll make any others :(
Super Susie's Bucket List Update
For all those following Super Susie as she spends the last months of her life... living out a Bucket List with her Family & Friends; the CBS Early Show is airing her Swim with Dolphins over Thanksgiving (either Thursday or Friday m- usually around 8am)...
Knowing that many of you are following these Living Wishes Come True within your Hospice Units & other Rehab facilities; I just wanted to give you a "Heads Up" and an Update on how The Bucket List has effected Super Susie & her Family.
The process of going thru these Monthly Bucket List adventures is "transforming for all involved".
Super Susie has become more loving & lovable (what a wonderful awareness for all of those around her & a gift she is allowing us to give her). "It's my last chance to tell & show you how much you mean to me", says this mother of 4 & Grandmother of 4.. She's giving without qualification! It is such a JOY!
OVERALL… PHYSICALLY: Mom is doing really well (all considering). Tho' her appetite comes & goes & she feels mildly nauseas @ times; Mom is most disturbed/annoyed by her shortness of breath... Such a difficult transition for an active person who has a life to live (we can all certainly relate)!!
We, as family, don't take her (or each other) for granted as much. Because of "The Buckets", we are trying to be nicer & kinder to each other. In the past 4 months, we have spent more time together as an entire family than EVER before. We are really getting to know each other as adults. Mom laughs & says we still communicate w/ each other as we did as kids (tho' we're all bigger & "use our words" more)!
Because of the Buckets; Super Susie (Mom/Grandy) ...
Continues to be Closer to her kids than she's been in DECADES
Has past friends who are clamoring to visit her in this "End Stage"
Enjoys the constant chatter that her local celebrity brings in Her Assisted Living Facility
Breathing continues to be limited but no WORSE! (She received a blood transfusion that didn't seem to help her breathe)
Laughs at the fact that her Cancer doesn't seem to be growing quickly (sometimes I get a cramping in my high-tummy area)
Is now curious as to the expected progression of her cancer! The doctors say, "who knows"?!?
After the Dolphin Bucket (with 3 under our belt since August, 2009) I polled the participants, "how would they describe each Bucket"?
Interestingly enough; their answers have followed the course of Mom's disease & symptoms:
HANG GLIDING: the Launching! Our first Bucket was chaotic... What are we doing? What are we getting into? Where are we going?
* The literal "take off" nature of this adventure was representative of our reality. We had just gotten the news of cancer & many were just getting 'on board' (or taking off) with the concept of her choice & her Buckets.
SKY DIVING: scary, yet very FREEing! Fears were faced & together we made it thru!
* (Prior to this Bucket, Mom's breathing had declined drastically. Dr's were saying 'stay home! Go to Hospice!' Mom said "no" I'm not staying home! I'm going thru my Buckets!!
* Her stomach cancer was undeniable... Yet she/we said nothing is stopping me! And we all plunged ahead! into the unknown moving ahead w/ LIFE! Mom was very nauseas the day of her Sky Dive...! She felt so liberated! Encouraged my her own decision in the Face of Fear to step out, hold her nose & JUMP!)
DOLPHIN SWIM: Introspective. For the family, it was a quiet uneventful Bucket. Most said 'Boring'… (Mom's breathing condition was accommodated w/ a wheelchair, she was thrilled with how easy travel became for her!
* Mom doesn’t feel her condition is changing. Nothing new is going on & therefore this Bucket took on the same trait as Mom’s Cancer… ‘treading water”… that’s what we did… and that’s where we are! treading water! enjoying the water while waiting!
UPCOMING BUCKETS: I don't expect Mom’s condition will change much from now to January.
SEDONA: Thanksgiving we will be Hot Air Ballooning over the desert, doing ATV's in the Desert, & Hiking & Helicopter in the Grand Canyon. I believe this Bucket will hit everyone in a Spiritual way... we call it; John Weadock's Bucket because of it's meta-physical nature. It has the action we Love, yet the historical & geological backdrop we hope will heighten everyone's SPIRITUAL awareness … we’ll see!
CHRISTMAS Home in Baltimore. The spiritual side of this Bucket will include One of Mom's favorite places, the Holocaust Museum in DC. Other "action" parts of this Bucket will be be determined soon.
January: SCUBA DIVING! Trying to keep John in the picture,
we are looking for a place in Key West that will teach & allow us to Scuba all in one day. Mom will snorkle (which she adores!!) - maybe Matt Tybersky can join us!
February: HOT AIR BALLOON w/ wheelchairs IN the balloon... somewhere in Florida along ocean.
Knowing that many of you are following these Living Wishes Come True within your Hospice Units & other Rehab facilities; I just wanted to give you a "Heads Up" and an Update on how The Bucket List has effected Super Susie & her Family.
The process of going thru these Monthly Bucket List adventures is "transforming for all involved".
Super Susie has become more loving & lovable (what a wonderful awareness for all of those around her & a gift she is allowing us to give her). "It's my last chance to tell & show you how much you mean to me", says this mother of 4 & Grandmother of 4.. She's giving without qualification! It is such a JOY!
OVERALL… PHYSICALLY: Mom is doing really well (all considering). Tho' her appetite comes & goes & she feels mildly nauseas @ times; Mom is most disturbed/annoyed by her shortness of breath... Such a difficult transition for an active person who has a life to live (we can all certainly relate)!!
We, as family, don't take her (or each other) for granted as much. Because of "The Buckets", we are trying to be nicer & kinder to each other. In the past 4 months, we have spent more time together as an entire family than EVER before. We are really getting to know each other as adults. Mom laughs & says we still communicate w/ each other as we did as kids (tho' we're all bigger & "use our words" more)!
Because of the Buckets; Super Susie (Mom/Grandy) ...
Continues to be Closer to her kids than she's been in DECADES
Has past friends who are clamoring to visit her in this "End Stage"
Enjoys the constant chatter that her local celebrity brings in Her Assisted Living Facility
Breathing continues to be limited but no WORSE! (She received a blood transfusion that didn't seem to help her breathe)
Laughs at the fact that her Cancer doesn't seem to be growing quickly (sometimes I get a cramping in my high-tummy area)
Is now curious as to the expected progression of her cancer! The doctors say, "who knows"?!?
After the Dolphin Bucket (with 3 under our belt since August, 2009) I polled the participants, "how would they describe each Bucket"?
Interestingly enough; their answers have followed the course of Mom's disease & symptoms:
HANG GLIDING: the Launching! Our first Bucket was chaotic... What are we doing? What are we getting into? Where are we going?
* The literal "take off" nature of this adventure was representative of our reality. We had just gotten the news of cancer & many were just getting 'on board' (or taking off) with the concept of her choice & her Buckets.
SKY DIVING: scary, yet very FREEing! Fears were faced & together we made it thru!
* (Prior to this Bucket, Mom's breathing had declined drastically. Dr's were saying 'stay home! Go to Hospice!' Mom said "no" I'm not staying home! I'm going thru my Buckets!!
* Her stomach cancer was undeniable... Yet she/we said nothing is stopping me! And we all plunged ahead! into the unknown moving ahead w/ LIFE! Mom was very nauseas the day of her Sky Dive...! She felt so liberated! Encouraged my her own decision in the Face of Fear to step out, hold her nose & JUMP!)
DOLPHIN SWIM: Introspective. For the family, it was a quiet uneventful Bucket. Most said 'Boring'… (Mom's breathing condition was accommodated w/ a wheelchair, she was thrilled with how easy travel became for her!
* Mom doesn’t feel her condition is changing. Nothing new is going on & therefore this Bucket took on the same trait as Mom’s Cancer… ‘treading water”… that’s what we did… and that’s where we are! treading water! enjoying the water while waiting!
UPCOMING BUCKETS: I don't expect Mom’s condition will change much from now to January.
SEDONA: Thanksgiving we will be Hot Air Ballooning over the desert, doing ATV's in the Desert, & Hiking & Helicopter in the Grand Canyon. I believe this Bucket will hit everyone in a Spiritual way... we call it; John Weadock's Bucket because of it's meta-physical nature. It has the action we Love, yet the historical & geological backdrop we hope will heighten everyone's SPIRITUAL awareness … we’ll see!
CHRISTMAS Home in Baltimore. The spiritual side of this Bucket will include One of Mom's favorite places, the Holocaust Museum in DC. Other "action" parts of this Bucket will be be determined soon.
January: SCUBA DIVING! Trying to keep John in the picture,
we are looking for a place in Key West that will teach & allow us to Scuba all in one day. Mom will snorkle (which she adores!!) - maybe Matt Tybersky can join us!
February: HOT AIR BALLOON w/ wheelchairs IN the balloon... somewhere in Florida along ocean.
November 10, 2009
Death Can Wait
What a great article!
Here's the link...
Here's the link...
October 30, 2009
"All Clear" For Sedona

Super Susie's 4th Bucket is Only 24 days away!
So much to do there ... So little time!
MEDICAL REPORT: Mom's shortness of breath continues to baffle her doctors! Recent Stress Tests say it's not her Heart, X-rays/Scans rule OUT cancer... The good news is that (tho intrusive & annoying) her limited breathing is NOT getting any worse!
So ALL arrows are pointing to Sedona! The attached is the backdrop of the geographical area where we will be spending our Thanksgiving Weekend!
We are Staying @ Sunset ChateauActivities are set for:
Hot Air Ballooning
ATVs in desert
Grand Canyon Tours
Helicopter in Canyon
Sacred tour/experience w/Shaman Rahelio
Spare time for massages, hikes, bikes & Golf!
Tom suggested hooking up w/ Pink Jeep Tours www.pinkjeep.com/jeep-tours/sedona/ considered a Do NOT Miss!Can't wait to see everyone there!
Ouisie (Louise)
SEDONA - sacred Land
Sedona has become recognized as a sacred land; as a place of power known as an earth energy vortex. Many people are making pilgrimages to this and other places of power, being moved by an inner knowing that this encounter is what they need to help them on their path of awakening and healing. The idea of Sedona being an earth energy vortex may seem like a strange idea to some. It may be easier to consider Sedona as a sacred land the way native peoples have throughout history. From this perspective we understand that the earth is a living being, our Mother, and within her body are many places that are sacred, places that function like organs and glands. And connecting these places is the spider web grid of the earth's energetic body. This spider web grid connects these sarcred places similiar to the way the human acupuncture meridian system connects the vital centers in a humans body. It is important to realize that there are many more power spots in the red rock country around Sedona to consider than just the popularized 4 major vortices of the New Age movement. From a Native American point of view there may well be over a hundred power spots many of which are marked by ceremonial shrines, petroglyphs and ancient ruins.
Sedona has become recognized as a sacred land; as a place of power known as an earth energy vortex. Many people are making pilgrimages to this and other places of power, being moved by an inner knowing that this encounter is what they need to help them on their path of awakening and healing. The idea of Sedona being an earth energy vortex may seem like a strange idea to some. It may be easier to consider Sedona as a sacred land the way native peoples have throughout history. From this perspective we understand that the earth is a living being, our Mother, and within her body are many places that are sacred, places that function like organs and glands. And connecting these places is the spider web grid of the earth's energetic body. This spider web grid connects these sarcred places similiar to the way the human acupuncture meridian system connects the vital centers in a humans body. It is important to realize that there are many more power spots in the red rock country around Sedona to consider than just the popularized 4 major vortices of the New Age movement. From a Native American point of view there may well be over a hundred power spots many of which are marked by ceremonial shrines, petroglyphs and ancient ruins.
bucket list,
bucket list 4,
grand canyon,
October 23, 2009
3rd Bucket was a Slam... Dunk!!
Grand-daughter Deirdre (a Dolphin Trainer @ the Baltimore aquarium) took on the challenge of creating this memorable day for everyone at Marine Land Aquarium in St Augustine, Fla! Dee, your thoughtful preparation for a great multi-level experience of painting, wading & swimming was evident throughout the day in the faces of the 25 family & friends who came to play! Mom's words for her dolphin bucket were "delightfully refreshing!"... "I have never spent so much time doing so many FUN things w/ a dolphin! Who knew that dolphins could be so friendly?!?"
Where's the dare-devil stunt in this event?? Super Susie did NOT disappoint! She entered the aquarium in her wheelchair & the pool on the arms of her sons, Mike & Tom. HOWEVER, Susie ended her day, riding the dolphin! First holding on one-handed to the Dorsal Fin then carried on the Belly of the dolphin up the pool (smiling & waving all the way)! What a woman, what a life & what a way to go!!
QUESTION... If a dolphin has an IQ similar to that of a dog; Does the dolphin training staff have anything to do w/ the dolphin's personality?
ANSWER... If our dolphins were any indication; then we'd say "YES", the trainer's personality IS reflected in the Dolphins behavior! Each of the 13 dolphins were so engaging & entertaining!!
Chad, your team of trainers are so fun-loving & playful... Just like your Dolphins!
The pure Celebration of Life in this Bucket Weekend were seen in the gleeful faces of its participants......
The pure Celebration of Life in this Bucket Weekend were seen in the gleeful faces of its participants......
* Jack Harrington, as he got to see the unborn dolphin calf in its mothers' belly, or..
* Jr Trainer, Fredrick Lilywhite, was the feeding Chubby "fish mints" & giving wave commands for dolphin flip tricks
* Nadia/Maria Losito giggled as the 16 month baby, Axil, kept "nose nudging" them under the water! you can say you have officially been "goosed" by a dolphin!
* Alex, Heidi & Jessica Weeks were so satisfied after "making-out" w/ their Dolphins! Chubby says he'll meet you @ the pool-side bar for a "quickie" later! Land shark!
* Tracy was that your side flipper fin popping out of your wet suit? Or Warning... mammary pontoon!!!
* Michelle L-> Dolphin Alvin is spreading the rumor that you kiss like a fish! LoL!
* Kirk, thank you for sharing your "bevy of Weeks beauties" with us! Being w/ Family is so awesome! They need to start a Bucket List for you! We'll come!!
* Chris W the dolphin wanted to paint your hot pink foot cast! Tho' it's tougher to hang on your wall! & YES, those 2 dolphins were Begging you to come in & play!
* Lisabet!! we saw your gold earring on dolphin Wilma's left fin... Wilma said she'd flip YOU for it!
* Super Susie's kids; Mike, Tom, & Ouisie... entered the water w/ Mom... Older son John, stayed on the side-line to blow the whistle @ the dolphins who were running on the pavement! No Running! Only Wheelin'!
* Meg! Your son STILL wants to know when the Aliens are going to return his Mother
* Ann W. never fails! Up every morning making/baking pancakes & cookies... Mmmm... The Fat Farm will be MY last Bucket! How many did u make on this Bucket? 100?
* Shannon, we MISSED you so much! Grandy & all others were so impressed that you stayed focused on your PSATs & playing in your Varsity Soccer game instead of swimming w/ Dolphins!!
* Cara & Eileen ... Thank u for making this trip! Having u guys on this Bucket made Mom "flip for joy"!
* Wait!!! Who were those 2 hot looking guys? Why it's Kyle & Paul! Nor'Easter Storms couldn't hold them from this Bucket!! they arrived in the middle of nite Friday & left 24hrs later!! But R we glad you were there!!
* Has anyone seen JL & Charlie...?? Time to leave the Lilywhite museum & go home! Norman has called 3x's! Thank u Jack/Lisabet... For absolutely everything!
* Dan/Deb Ignatuk... Thank you for joining us! Your dinner suggestion of Atlantic Grill... Was PERFECT!!
* Chris & Kate Rowe... This was such a gentle activity. We Missed you!
* Jeff Shoenfaber we are so glad you didn't call in sick! But we missed you!!
* Christa & Chad... Our senior trainers! Thank You ever so much for being "so chill" in accommodating everyone's special needs!
Medically Speaking:
We are in month 4 of her prognosis of 6-9months to live. Mom still feels "great" tho' she's losing her appetite, & gets constipated. She still struggles to breathe (hence the wheelchair). This week she will go through a 3hr Atomic Stress Test to better discern whether it is heart or cancer that is leaving her so breathless upon exertion. We say, whatever it is... Fix it! 'Cuz we are headed for Sedona & Grand Canyon in 6 weeks, over Thanksgiving! Hope to see you there! Thank you all for praying for us! It's your thoughts, prayers & emails that get us to our next Bucket!!
We are in month 4 of her prognosis of 6-9months to live. Mom still feels "great" tho' she's losing her appetite, & gets constipated. She still struggles to breathe (hence the wheelchair). This week she will go through a 3hr Atomic Stress Test to better discern whether it is heart or cancer that is leaving her so breathless upon exertion. We say, whatever it is... Fix it! 'Cuz we are headed for Sedona & Grand Canyon in 6 weeks, over Thanksgiving! Hope to see you there! Thank you all for praying for us! It's your thoughts, prayers & emails that get us to our next Bucket!!
Louise "Ouisie" Weadock-Rowe
Anyone reading this... Looking for a Family fun event?? ... Get a group together... Go to Marine Land in St Augustine! This is a DEFINITE Do Not Miss experience @ any level! You'll enjoy the staff AND the dolphin adventure!
October 15, 2009
Susie Mann Opts To Do 'Bucket List,' Not Treat Cancer
Here's an article from WJZ in Baltimore, Maryland.....
October 9, 2009
CBS -The Early Show - Super Susie Soars the Skies
Here is the video clip from this morning's CBS Early Show interview with "Super" Susie Mann!
October 8, 2009
Bucket List Cancer Victim on CBS Early Show Tomorrow 10/9 at 8am
I am sharing this story with you because many on my list are Healthcare Leaders who are showing this story on their Hospital, Rehab, Skilled Care & Hospice Units... if you wish to be excluded from these updates please reply & I will delete your name from the list. If you know of others that would find Susie's message of "Carpe Diem!" inspiring, please Pass It On!
Last month September 11th, 2009, Susie Mann was first televised with Maggie Rodriguez of the CBS Early Show. The interview introduces you to a Grandmother's reaction to the diagnosis of Stage 4 Stomach cancer. Susie Mann decided NOT to be treated with Chemo or Radiation... she had the courage to say NO to the curative medical community. Instead, she chose to ENJOY the moments of "FEELING WELL" for as long as she is able! At the age of 79yo mother of 4 & grandmother of 4 decided to hop on a journey of Bucket List adventures with her family!
On August 1st; Susie & 30 family/friends went Hang Gliding in the Catskills (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/09/11/earlyshow/main5302918.shtml?tag=cbsnewsTwoColUpperPromoArea)
September 17th, 2009; Mom went Sky diving with her family & friends (including her paraplegic grandson) in Cape Canaveral... to be aired 8am tomorrow 10/11 @ 8a
October 17th, 2009; Susie will be swimming with Dolphins in St Augustine
November 24th; she will be spending Thanksgiving Hot Air Ballooning & Helicoptering in Sedona & the Grand Canyon.
Susie/Grandy (Mother of a C-3 quadriplegic) simply counts the muscles she has versus the ones she doesn't & "MOVES ON". After the interview on 9/11; Mom walked around NYC & listened to the City mourn the losses from the fallen World Trade Center. Her comment was; "It's amazing how many people just don't know HOW to 'Move On'... they are stuck in the pain of their own struggle against ADVERSITY" ... I believe, once you've been hit hard; you pick all the pieces... figure out how to use them all to your advantage... and start taking steps FORWARD to the Light at the end of the Tunnel... even if you can't SEE the Light... you must BELIEVE there is a LIGHT.
This past month has been scary for all of us. We were told that Mom's acute Shortness of Breath was due to Blood Clots forming in her Lungs. Imminently, we were told that the Clots would suffocate her. She in all likelihood would not live to swim with the Dolphins! We were advised to STOP the Bucket List & get into a Hospice immediately! We were told that Mom's Lungs could not withstand the water pressure in the Dolphin swim nor the air pressure changes in the Grand Canyon!
when I shared the physician's concern about her deteriorating physical condition with Mom, "Lions & Tigers & Bears... o My!!"
her response was...
"No swimming with the Dolphins on my Bucket List? No Grand Canyon or Sedona? Absolutely NOT! You Dear Doctor; are NOT the Boss of me! I will get to the MOMENT at the aquarium. When it is my turn to swim ... I will see how I feel then & not before!" So rather than stay under the covers & cancel plans, we decided to MOVE On & "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" with our Bucket List.
Since her Sky Diving escapade, we have results of CAT Scans, Echocardiograms, VQ scans to determine exactly what is going on in Mom's Lungs that is causing her inability to breathe upon exertion. We have discovered that Mom is NOT suffocating from Blebs, Blood Clots or spreading cancer to the lungs. In fact her cancer has NOT spread AT ALL! She is not a candidate for Hospice because her July diagnosis of 6-9 months in all likelihood will be 12 months! So we are thinking of MORE Bucket List Adventures for her to focus on! and who knows... with all this positive energy around her... it could be more!
Oh! you want to know why Mom can't breathe? it's NOT cancer at all... it's her HEART! In February this year, Mom had a triple bypass, aortic valve & pacemaker replacement. We think one of her arteries is not functioning as well as it should & for that she is prescribed a Nitroglycerin patch every day! I am sooo glad Mom stays focused on the Positive... because, this respectful RN would have listened to the Doctors, enrolled in Hospice, pulled the covers over my head & counted the days until I died! certainly NO Dolphins, Sedona or Grand Canyon!
Between Susie's new Mobility Scooter & her increased blood flow from the heart... this family can't keep up with her! we are well on the road to a Bucket List Adventure a MONTH!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers, cards & words of support! YOU have truly carried this family to the NEXT Bucket List Adventure!!
If you feel well... stay in the moment... if not; MOVE ON!
In any case, Carpe Diem!!
follow the Bucket List through our website: www.AccessNursing.com
Last month September 11th, 2009, Susie Mann was first televised with Maggie Rodriguez of the CBS Early Show. The interview introduces you to a Grandmother's reaction to the diagnosis of Stage 4 Stomach cancer. Susie Mann decided NOT to be treated with Chemo or Radiation... she had the courage to say NO to the curative medical community. Instead, she chose to ENJOY the moments of "FEELING WELL" for as long as she is able! At the age of 79yo mother of 4 & grandmother of 4 decided to hop on a journey of Bucket List adventures with her family!
On August 1st; Susie & 30 family/friends went Hang Gliding in the Catskills (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/09/11/earlyshow/main5302918.shtml?tag=cbsnewsTwoColUpperPromoArea)
September 17th, 2009; Mom went Sky diving with her family & friends (including her paraplegic grandson) in Cape Canaveral... to be aired 8am tomorrow 10/11 @ 8a
October 17th, 2009; Susie will be swimming with Dolphins in St Augustine
November 24th; she will be spending Thanksgiving Hot Air Ballooning & Helicoptering in Sedona & the Grand Canyon.
Susie/Grandy (Mother of a C-3 quadriplegic) simply counts the muscles she has versus the ones she doesn't & "MOVES ON". After the interview on 9/11; Mom walked around NYC & listened to the City mourn the losses from the fallen World Trade Center. Her comment was; "It's amazing how many people just don't know HOW to 'Move On'... they are stuck in the pain of their own struggle against ADVERSITY" ... I believe, once you've been hit hard; you pick all the pieces... figure out how to use them all to your advantage... and start taking steps FORWARD to the Light at the end of the Tunnel... even if you can't SEE the Light... you must BELIEVE there is a LIGHT.
This past month has been scary for all of us. We were told that Mom's acute Shortness of Breath was due to Blood Clots forming in her Lungs. Imminently, we were told that the Clots would suffocate her. She in all likelihood would not live to swim with the Dolphins! We were advised to STOP the Bucket List & get into a Hospice immediately! We were told that Mom's Lungs could not withstand the water pressure in the Dolphin swim nor the air pressure changes in the Grand Canyon!
when I shared the physician's concern about her deteriorating physical condition with Mom, "Lions & Tigers & Bears... o My!!"
her response was...
"No swimming with the Dolphins on my Bucket List? No Grand Canyon or Sedona? Absolutely NOT! You Dear Doctor; are NOT the Boss of me! I will get to the MOMENT at the aquarium. When it is my turn to swim ... I will see how I feel then & not before!" So rather than stay under the covers & cancel plans, we decided to MOVE On & "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" with our Bucket List.
Since her Sky Diving escapade, we have results of CAT Scans, Echocardiograms, VQ scans to determine exactly what is going on in Mom's Lungs that is causing her inability to breathe upon exertion. We have discovered that Mom is NOT suffocating from Blebs, Blood Clots or spreading cancer to the lungs. In fact her cancer has NOT spread AT ALL! She is not a candidate for Hospice because her July diagnosis of 6-9 months in all likelihood will be 12 months! So we are thinking of MORE Bucket List Adventures for her to focus on! and who knows... with all this positive energy around her... it could be more!
Oh! you want to know why Mom can't breathe? it's NOT cancer at all... it's her HEART! In February this year, Mom had a triple bypass, aortic valve & pacemaker replacement. We think one of her arteries is not functioning as well as it should & for that she is prescribed a Nitroglycerin patch every day! I am sooo glad Mom stays focused on the Positive... because, this respectful RN would have listened to the Doctors, enrolled in Hospice, pulled the covers over my head & counted the days until I died! certainly NO Dolphins, Sedona or Grand Canyon!
Between Susie's new Mobility Scooter & her increased blood flow from the heart... this family can't keep up with her! we are well on the road to a Bucket List Adventure a MONTH!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers, cards & words of support! YOU have truly carried this family to the NEXT Bucket List Adventure!!
If you feel well... stay in the moment... if not; MOVE ON!
In any case, Carpe Diem!!
follow the Bucket List through our website: www.AccessNursing.com
bucket list,
susie mann,
weadock bucket list
September 25, 2009
The Master Plan
Ok!! It's been awhile since we have given you a Medical update on Mom's cancer. Those that were at the Sky Diving Airfield witnessed how "wobbly" Mom's sea legs became after her Sky Landing. Prior to that & progressively since she has found her self to be more out of breath... Exhausted upon exertion, "I don't feel badly, I just need to take things slower, give myself more time!" Susie/Mom/Grandy says of her progressive shortness of breath!
The reality is that Mom's cancer is producing blood clots in her lungs. The clots are blocking her ability to take in oxygen & transmit it to the rest of her body. Tho' her overall oxygen level is good... She still feels like she needs to pace herself; give herself more time to get there! Take the short-cut she doesn't usually give herself.
So for those joining us on the Dolphin trip... We will get to Florida on Thursday 10/15 & leave on Tuesday. This will give her 2 days to arrive, balance herself before the Dolphin swim & rest before she goes home. Allowing her enough time to LOVE & ENJOY everyone around her!!
The Swim w/ the Dolphins remains Saturday 10/17 @ Marineland Aquarium in St. Augustine, Florida.
Whether Mom is with us in body or Spirit, we will continue with our commitment to Adventure #4; "witness Gods' spirit & beauty" in the Grand Canyon & Sedona. Activities: helicopter thru the Canyon, hike the Canyon, ATV the Sedona desert, Spiritualist experience in Sedona.
Everyone, we need your concerted & fervent prayers for Mom! So please, keep them coming! We need your energy!! She really wants to get thru her List... Your support & emails are like daily HUGS... (Mom doesn't do email, but we have an email printer for her... So email me & I'll forward your encouraging words to her)!
Thank you for being you for Mom/Susie/Grandy!!!
The reality is that Mom's cancer is producing blood clots in her lungs. The clots are blocking her ability to take in oxygen & transmit it to the rest of her body. Tho' her overall oxygen level is good... She still feels like she needs to pace herself; give herself more time to get there! Take the short-cut she doesn't usually give herself.
So for those joining us on the Dolphin trip... We will get to Florida on Thursday 10/15 & leave on Tuesday. This will give her 2 days to arrive, balance herself before the Dolphin swim & rest before she goes home. Allowing her enough time to LOVE & ENJOY everyone around her!!
The Swim w/ the Dolphins remains Saturday 10/17 @ Marineland Aquarium in St. Augustine, Florida.
Whether Mom is with us in body or Spirit, we will continue with our commitment to Adventure #4; "witness Gods' spirit & beauty" in the Grand Canyon & Sedona. Activities: helicopter thru the Canyon, hike the Canyon, ATV the Sedona desert, Spiritualist experience in Sedona.
Everyone, we need your concerted & fervent prayers for Mom! So please, keep them coming! We need your energy!! She really wants to get thru her List... Your support & emails are like daily HUGS... (Mom doesn't do email, but we have an email printer for her... So email me & I'll forward your encouraging words to her)!
Thank you for being you for Mom/Susie/Grandy!!!
September 22, 2009
Bucket List #2 Recap -- SKYDIVING
Mom "the Eagle" Landed And so did all her little Chicks...
The experience was totally awesome!!
Starting on Friday, Mom was feeling nauseous & out of breath. We fear her cancer is progressing (or she is eating too much red meat)... In spite of her "stomach ache" Mom persevered... On Saturday 8am, Sept 17, she DOVE out of that plane with the same enthusiasm as she dives after Life... And we all followed!!
My brothers & myself all jumping at the same time w/ Mom followed by her grandchildren Deirdre, Kyle, Paul, & Ann Weadock then Michelle, the Maguires-Patti, Keegan & (drum roll please...)
Chris Rowe (my paraplegic step-son)! No guts... No glory!!!
Jeff Shoenfaber!!! You Fly Guy! Thank you for joining us & flying others around who had not had an opportunity to jump... You made Shannon's day so special!!
Chi-Chi! ER nurse par excellence!! the medicine you got to quiet Mom's stomach sooo well! You truly changed the tone of her/our day!!
John Weadock arrived looking so sharp... He admits feeling very tempted to Sky Dive once he saw Chris Rowe jump... But alas... Someone had to stay on the ground with Shannon & cheer us in! And beside his wife would have killed him if the jump hadn't!!!
Patti & Keegan... Joining us for your Virgin Dive made our Bucket List group so very special!! Thank you so much!
TURBULENT was the only way to describe our day of Sky Diving! Mom's early day nausea set the tone for the day! Tho' Braving it; we were all scared! Thank God that by 5p, Mom returned to her usual animated & provocative self!!
Mom thought "the Dive", itself, was LESS thrilling than her other daring feats... But she loved the event far MORE than Hang Gliding because the FEAR Factor that everyone had to overcome was far more INTENSE! We appreciated what SHE was over-coming to lead the jump. As a result, we ALL felt so much more ACCOMPLISHED... This relief made for very ENERGETIC & EMOTIONAL family conversations (like we need more energy)!
On a personal side...
The real surprise over the day was that Mom's "moment of weakness" generated a level of real concern by Tom Weadock's 82yo father-in-law! Jack was so happy to see her "come back to self" that he kissed her, hugged her & held her hand for the rest of the day! He chose only to sit next to HER! (The Tarzan & Jane profile prevails regardless of Age)! Mom was soooo tickled... giggling like a school girl!
As she was preparing for bed last nite, she shares, "I think he likes me!!" I quip, "Mom, isn't it unfair how things are getting HOT just as you are checking out?"
She responds with a twinkle, "ahhh no! it's the perfect time to leave! the party is at a peak, I am still able to dance & they LOVE me! It doesn't get any better!!" (It is so funny how God let's us know HE Loves us! All we have to do is trust Him!!)
Everyone, thank you so much for your thoughts & Prayers!!
Carpe Diem!!
The experience was totally awesome!!
Starting on Friday, Mom was feeling nauseous & out of breath. We fear her cancer is progressing (or she is eating too much red meat)... In spite of her "stomach ache" Mom persevered... On Saturday 8am, Sept 17, she DOVE out of that plane with the same enthusiasm as she dives after Life... And we all followed!!
My brothers & myself all jumping at the same time w/ Mom followed by her grandchildren Deirdre, Kyle, Paul, & Ann Weadock then Michelle, the Maguires-Patti, Keegan & (drum roll please...)
Chris Rowe (my paraplegic step-son)! No guts... No glory!!!
Jeff Shoenfaber!!! You Fly Guy! Thank you for joining us & flying others around who had not had an opportunity to jump... You made Shannon's day so special!!
Chi-Chi! ER nurse par excellence!! the medicine you got to quiet Mom's stomach sooo well! You truly changed the tone of her/our day!!
John Weadock arrived looking so sharp... He admits feeling very tempted to Sky Dive once he saw Chris Rowe jump... But alas... Someone had to stay on the ground with Shannon & cheer us in! And beside his wife would have killed him if the jump hadn't!!!
Patti & Keegan... Joining us for your Virgin Dive made our Bucket List group so very special!! Thank you so much!
TURBULENT was the only way to describe our day of Sky Diving! Mom's early day nausea set the tone for the day! Tho' Braving it; we were all scared! Thank God that by 5p, Mom returned to her usual animated & provocative self!!
Mom thought "the Dive", itself, was LESS thrilling than her other daring feats... But she loved the event far MORE than Hang Gliding because the FEAR Factor that everyone had to overcome was far more INTENSE! We appreciated what SHE was over-coming to lead the jump. As a result, we ALL felt so much more ACCOMPLISHED... This relief made for very ENERGETIC & EMOTIONAL family conversations (like we need more energy)!
On a personal side...
The real surprise over the day was that Mom's "moment of weakness" generated a level of real concern by Tom Weadock's 82yo father-in-law! Jack was so happy to see her "come back to self" that he kissed her, hugged her & held her hand for the rest of the day! He chose only to sit next to HER! (The Tarzan & Jane profile prevails regardless of Age)! Mom was soooo tickled... giggling like a school girl!
As she was preparing for bed last nite, she shares, "I think he likes me!!" I quip, "Mom, isn't it unfair how things are getting HOT just as you are checking out?"
She responds with a twinkle, "ahhh no! it's the perfect time to leave! the party is at a peak, I am still able to dance & they LOVE me! It doesn't get any better!!" (It is so funny how God let's us know HE Loves us! All we have to do is trust Him!!)
Everyone, thank you so much for your thoughts & Prayers!!
Carpe Diem!!
September 14, 2009
If you didn't catch it on Friday, here is the link to the CBS story on the Bucket List!! Check it out and let us know what you think!!
And if that isn't enough, then start getting psyched up for Skydiving this weekend!! CBS will be following us there too!!
And if that isn't enough, then start getting psyched up for Skydiving this weekend!! CBS will be following us there too!!
August 22, 2009
CBS Early Show
So we just got word from the network, The Weadock Bucket List will be aired on the CBS Early Show on September 8th! So keep an eye out!!
Also, when we spoke to the Skydiving Space Center, they told us that CBS had already called them to tell them they would be filming!!
Its really happening guys! Susie, you're an inspiration to SO MANY people already, and its about to become SO MANY MORE!
Also, when we spoke to the Skydiving Space Center, they told us that CBS had already called them to tell them they would be filming!!
Its really happening guys! Susie, you're an inspiration to SO MANY people already, and its about to become SO MANY MORE!
Skydiving Preview
Just got the preview video from Tom Weadock for Skydive Space Center (http://www.skydivespacecenter.com) , the host of our next Bucket List adventure on September 19th! See previous post for details.
Here it is!
At around the 7 minute mark, you can see a rocket launch in the background of an incredible skyline!! Hope we're as lucky!!!
Here it is!
At around the 7 minute mark, you can see a rocket launch in the background of an incredible skyline!! Hope we're as lucky!!!
August 14, 2009
Upcoming.... SKYDIVING
OK!!! Everyone! We have barely recovered from the FIRST Bucket List Activity & now we are onto the NEXT!
That's right! you heard us talk of it... OMG... now we are REALLY doing it! YIKES!! SKY DIVING! (thank you Tom & Kyle Weadock for orchestrating this event!!)
On SEPTEMBER 19th, Suzie's' (Sewall Boardman Weeks Weadock Mann) fast growing Bucket List of followers are going to Cape Canaveral, (south of Daytona) North/East Florida to watch her "take the plunge!" into 15,000 feet of pure AIR! On August 1st, Susie & 30 others flew from the ground UP 2,000 ft into the sky by kite for a "free fly" for 20 minutes. THIS time she/we will be starting at the TOP for a "Free Fall" down x 10 minutes! (way too long as far as I'm concerned")!!
Mom said, "if George Bush,Sr can do it... so can I!!" JL Polovoy said that she would follow MOM right out the chute down 15,000 feet laughing all the way to her soft landing below ONLY if her pilot was totally BUFF and under 90 years old!! Is that YOU Norman?? Thank you all for travelling to Florida to support Mom as she is going thru all this! It makes it MUCH easier for #1 Son, John Weadock, to be a part of things if they are hosted in his Florida backyard!
TRAVEL: nearby airports are Daytona Beach (30 mins away); Orlando or Jacksonville (90mins away)... come anytime you want... my condo is OPEN!
ACCOMMODATIONS: My address @ Hammock Dunes: La Grande Provence, 11 Ave de la Mer, Apt 501, Hammock Dunes, Fla 32137 My condo can house 6+ myself, Shannon, Paul & Mom. Please give me a RSVP head count so I can figure out beds. So far, non-Weadock out of towners needing beds; I have Deirdre's Jeff, Maguire/Sachse, Jesse Miles +1? Thank you Lisabet for your generous offer of 2 guest rooms in your GORGEOUS home overseeing the 18th hole & ocean!
The ADVENTURE: September 19, 2009 @ 8a-1p You must be 18 yrs old to jump!
Skydive Space Center [mailto:skydivespacecenter@hotmail.com] 476 Williams Drive, Titusville, FL 32796 (Cape Canaveral)
Director: Chris Novak: 800.823.0016 COST: $165/person (remember Weadocks... price is not allowed to be a reason to say "NO"!)
Qualifiers: Personal weight limit is 220 lbs. (thank God I am WAAAY under that)... KIRK, you are in good muscular condition, they allow jumpers up to 250lbs. Howard says he'll finance the $2.00 per pound overage charge from 220-250lbs. I say $2/lb overage fee for those weighing > 220!!! Who do they think they are??? JET BLUE??
REMINDER: You must bring a photo i.d. on jump day! (this way they'll know WHO the real crazies are!!)
PLEASE RSVP & let me know if & when you are planning to come... breakfast, lunches, dinners on Friday, Sat, Sun, Monday &/or for the BIG JUMP!! while you are here, would you like to play tennis, bocce, croquet, golf? or just "shoot the breeze" on the balcony! Lemme know!! (Chi-Chi, I know your coming over to watch... are you hanging around after??)
That's right! you heard us talk of it... OMG... now we are REALLY doing it! YIKES!! SKY DIVING! (thank you Tom & Kyle Weadock for orchestrating this event!!)
On SEPTEMBER 19th, Suzie's' (Sewall Boardman Weeks Weadock Mann) fast growing Bucket List of followers are going to Cape Canaveral, (south of Daytona) North/East Florida to watch her "take the plunge!" into 15,000 feet of pure AIR! On August 1st, Susie & 30 others flew from the ground UP 2,000 ft into the sky by kite for a "free fly" for 20 minutes. THIS time she/we will be starting at the TOP for a "Free Fall" down x 10 minutes! (way too long as far as I'm concerned")!!
Mom said, "if George Bush,Sr can do it... so can I!!" JL Polovoy said that she would follow MOM right out the chute down 15,000 feet laughing all the way to her soft landing below ONLY if her pilot was totally BUFF and under 90 years old!! Is that YOU Norman?? Thank you all for travelling to Florida to support Mom as she is going thru all this! It makes it MUCH easier for #1 Son, John Weadock, to be a part of things if they are hosted in his Florida backyard!
TRAVEL: nearby airports are Daytona Beach (30 mins away); Orlando or Jacksonville (90mins away)... come anytime you want... my condo is OPEN!
ACCOMMODATIONS: My address @ Hammock Dunes: La Grande Provence, 11 Ave de la Mer, Apt 501, Hammock Dunes, Fla 32137 My condo can house 6+ myself, Shannon, Paul & Mom. Please give me a RSVP head count so I can figure out beds. So far, non-Weadock out of towners needing beds; I have Deirdre's Jeff, Maguire/Sachse, Jesse Miles +1? Thank you Lisabet for your generous offer of 2 guest rooms in your GORGEOUS home overseeing the 18th hole & ocean!
The ADVENTURE: September 19, 2009 @ 8a-1p You must be 18 yrs old to jump!
Skydive Space Center [mailto:skydivespacecenter@hotmail.com] 476 Williams Drive, Titusville, FL 32796 (Cape Canaveral)
Director: Chris Novak: 800.823.0016 COST: $165/person (remember Weadocks... price is not allowed to be a reason to say "NO"!)
Qualifiers: Personal weight limit is 220 lbs. (thank God I am WAAAY under that)... KIRK, you are in good muscular condition, they allow jumpers up to 250lbs. Howard says he'll finance the $2.00 per pound overage charge from 220-250lbs. I say $2/lb overage fee for those weighing > 220!!! Who do they think they are??? JET BLUE??
REMINDER: You must bring a photo i.d. on jump day! (this way they'll know WHO the real crazies are!!)
PLEASE RSVP & let me know if & when you are planning to come... breakfast, lunches, dinners on Friday, Sat, Sun, Monday &/or for the BIG JUMP!! while you are here, would you like to play tennis, bocce, croquet, golf? or just "shoot the breeze" on the balcony! Lemme know!! (Chi-Chi, I know your coming over to watch... are you hanging around after??)
August 4, 2009
The first event on Susie Weadock's Bucket List, HANG GLIDING at Hangar 3 in Middletown, NY!! (http://www.hangar3.com)
Everyone had a blast, joining friends and family (some family had never met before!!) on a warm sunny day (that was sandwiched between two torrential downpours, thank god for great weather!) Susie had a great time, and was overwhelmed with the support of her family and friends!
Everyone had a blast, joining friends and family (some family had never met before!!) on a warm sunny day (that was sandwiched between two torrential downpours, thank god for great weather!) Susie had a great time, and was overwhelmed with the support of her family and friends!
August 3, 2009
What's to come....
The beginning of our blogs, both video Youtube blog and our BlogSpot blog, start here! Here is a preview of what's to come...
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