January 12, 2010

Dog Sledding Bucket in Poconos!! Jan 22-24

What does one do when they know they are dying? LIVE... until you Can't!

...and that is exactly the example of life that Super Susie Weadock-Mann has done. We are now 7 months into our 6-9 months of "Living". For the first time, Susie is saying, "I just don't feel so well! I feel queezy several times a week, I'm tired of trying so hard to breathe & I'd give my left arm for a good nites sleep!!"

Phyllis Kelly @ St Joseph's Hospital Cancer Center has been an angel... running all over the hospital to make sure Mom gets all the scripts she needs to get Comfort Care: Mobility Scooters & good Meds to care for her Sleeplessness, Shortness of Breath, Anxiety & Nausea. The side effects of the Ambien CR (sleep walking & disorientation) is defended by a Nurse Aide at her side when a friend or family member is not. "Who wants to be in a hospital? I already have cancer... I don't need a FALL causing a fractured Hip!!", she quips!

Susie confesses, "As a tennis player, I see this as the last Set of my life! I'm in the Finals of this Match... I'm playing this Game! I have spent my whole life getting to this point. I'm NOT going to spend this last phase with an injury I could have prevented! Being stubbornly independent was once a strength; today it's my weakness. I need to put the sword down & let those that Care for me... do just that... Care for Me!!"

Being allowed to Care is such an Honor! As family & friends we are so grateful that Susie is giving all of us an opportunity to Be There For & WITH her!

Again, What does one do when they realize they are dying?... They go Snow-Mobiling & Dog Sledding!!!....and that is exactly what Super Susie's NEXT Bucket activity will be...

We are going to the Poconos Mountains to "horse around" doing snow adventures that Mom has never done before... SnowMobiling & Dog Sledding.

Check this site out www.poconomanor.com. They are providing our "Super Susie Bucket List" group the MOST gorgeous & affordable accommodation!! Beyond "the Bucket activities, they have a 4 Star Spa, indoor pool, indoor tennis, yaddy-yaddy, yadda... don't miss this! Pocono Manor has something for everyone of all ages... PLUS... it's so AFFORDABLE!!!

They are offering our group a discounted Room PRICE that includes BOTH Breakfast & Dinner!! All inclusive flat rate of One Person/room = $120 Two People/room = $86/pp Three People/room = $83/pp Four People/room = $80/pp Children under 6 are FREE Children 6-12yo = $40/pp

On Friday Nite 1/22 @ 7pm... The Inn @ Pocono Manor is KICKING OFF our Last Bucket as their guest in a reception in their VIP Luxury Suite!!
They are treating us to a Private & Personal Reception including Cocktails, Appetizers & Dinner!! How did we find this amazing & generous collection of strangers to embrace us?!?!

The first Bucket Activity will be Dog Sledding on Saturday Morning

Since Snow Mobiling is "weather dependent" we will do this Bucket on Sunday morning.... if it looks like Saturday will be better than Sunday... then we'll switch Snow Mobiling to Saturday afternoon after Lunch!! and make Sunday a "Get to Know Pocono Manor Day"!

Please mark your calendar & JOIN US to Kick Off the first Bucket of the New Year with Super Susie & her entire family who are so grateful that you are there to care!!!

For the HOTEL Room: call the hotel directly 800-233-8150 mention "Susie's BucketList"

For Dog Sledding or SnowMobiling: RSVP to me by email...

Snow Mobiling* is $35 per SINGLE person per 1/2hr (*this activity is "weather/snow dependent") $35/DOUBLE person per hour

Dog Sledding is $50 per SINGLE person per hour (this activity runs regardless of weather)

5 Ski Resorts nearby: Big Boulder, Camelback, Jack Frost, Blue Mountain, Shawnee Mtn

Carpe Diem! Don't Miss us!


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